S/H Three Months In...
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Old 07-12-2008, 11:10 AM
Snowden Snowden is offline

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S/H Three Months In... Female
Default S/H Three Months In...

These are all plants transferred to S/H this spring. The numbers represent new growths. All are growing new roots. So far so good. Everyone is in good condition, except for the Zygo, which lost all of its leaves during the winter. I’m hoping it will make it through, but doubt it will.

Alcra Sunday Best 'Muffin' AM/AOS - 1
B Little Stars - 7
B nodosa - 1
Ctna Why Not 'Because' - 2
Den Malia Akana (Kurniati x Madame Vipa) - 3
Den Emma White - 4
Den Noid (phal type) - 2
Den Noid (phal type) Keikis - 4
Dendro wenzelii - Many
Dtps Acker's Hot Shot 'Chuck' - New Leaves
Dtps Sogo Little Beauty X Dtps Taisuco Jewel - New Leaves
Enc cochleata Green Hornet (division) - 2
Enc cordigera - 6
Enc cordigera (division) - 2
Epi Volcano Trick - 2
Lc Fire Dance 'Patricia' - 2
Lep bicolor - 4
Masd veitchiana 'Prince de Galle' AM/AOS - 5
Max tenufolia - Many
Mtssa Dark Star 'Darth Vader' - Many
Mtssa Dark Star 'Darth Vader' (division) - 1
Mtssa Olmec 'Kanno' - 3/2 blooming spikes
Odbrs Fangtastic Bob Henley HOF #4 - 2
Onc Gower Ramsey 'Orange' - 1
Paph Barbilight (Barbi Playmate x Nulight) - 1
Paph Noid (maudiae vinicolor form) - 3
Paph Somers's Isle 'HOF Jumbo' AM/AOS - 2
Paph Toni Semple - 5
Phal Noid (white) - New Leaves
Phrag Don Wimber - 3
Phrag Grande - Many
Phrag Grande (division) - 2
Psych papillo x sib - 1
Psych versteegiana - 1 (spike?)
Rhyncho gigantea - New Leaves
Rossio Grande Dallas x Rawdon Jester - 2
Sarco Heidi - New Leaves
Sarco Heidi (division) - New Leaves
Zygo Noid - 1 Growth
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Old 07-12-2008, 11:44 AM
Grandma M Grandma M is offline
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S/H Three Months In... Female

WOW. Thats great. I love growing in S/H because it is so easy to water them, and mine grow like there's no tomorrow. The Phrags especially love it.

Don't give up on the Zygo. I have one in S/H and it is doing better than the other ones. When thy need repotting I will put all of them in S/H.

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Old 07-12-2008, 12:55 PM
Chococatte Chococatte is offline
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Cool Growing in S/H is great

That's so cool that you have all your 'chid collection growing in S/H. I just receive some Psyc. versteegiana seedlings a few days out of flask from Aaron Hicks (OSP) from ebay auction. I will put some of them in S/H once they get hardy and bigger.
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Old 07-12-2008, 03:29 PM
Snowden Snowden is offline

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S/H Three Months In... Female

Marilyn - the zygo is in really rough shape. It has one growth that's maybe 2 inches high and it's been that way since March. Last year at this time it was spiking. It does seem to be growing new roots, so maybe there's hope for it.

Chococatte - not all of my collection is in S/H. Some are not suitable for S/H culture (vandas, etc.), others - the timing wasn't right, but they'll get there eventually.

I got my versteegiana from Acker's in WI (I used to visit them every week) as a tiny non-blooming seedling about 6 years ago. Chuck Acker said at the time, "You know you'll be waiting years for it to bloom, don't you?" I told him I did and I'm still waiting for it to bloom. It does have a little nubbin' poking up off the last pbulb. I'm hoping it's a spike and not another pbulb. We'll see. I'd like to call him up and tell him it finally bloomed!
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Old 07-13-2008, 01:12 AM
snow snow is offline
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phals also love s/h.
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Old 07-13-2008, 01:19 AM
Becky15349 Becky15349 is offline
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This is a fantastic catalogue you've created for yourself of all your plants!! I think that the virtues of S&H cannot be shouted loud enough...its such a perfect medium to use, if one needs it (us windowsill growers, we need it!!) Anyways, I'm very impressed - you've apparently got a knack for this, and I'm looking forward to seeing the blooms!
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Old 07-13-2008, 08:11 AM
trinimom trinimom is offline

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S/H Three Months In...

Hi everyone..
I never realised it but after reading several of the posts here it did occur to me and was also pointed out by one member that I do use an S/H medium for growing my few Orchids and all of them as well... I really havenot differentiated with the type of orchild..anyway really did not know too much or anything hehehehe.
Thanks to everyone on the site I have become more aware of classifying etc and especially taking care and growing the Orchids.
Thanks great HELPFUL people ... you do deserve many accolades.......
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Old 07-13-2008, 09:57 AM
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S/H Three Months In... Male

There really is no such thing as an "S/H medium". Semi-hydroponics is a whole culture method, and any number of inert media can be used, although with varying degrees of success, with some brands of LECA being arguably the best.

I will also point out - again - that an inert medium, pot with reservoir, and constant moisture does not fully define the cultural parameters needed to successfully grow plants. Light levels, nutrition, watering frequency, humidity, air movement, and temperature all play a big role. In fact, when changing from "standard" culture to S/H, I think temperature management is even more important.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 07-13-2008, 01:12 PM
Snowden Snowden is offline

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S/H Three Months In... Female

Absolutely. Each plant is being grown to its own cultural requirements. My collection spans 12 years, which isn't really a long time, but long enough for me to have intimate knowledge of what each plant needs. For instance, I doubt a brassavola would survive long in masdie conditions - especially in S/H.

It does make me a little nervous to think that anyone out there who may see my post think that they can do the same thing with the same plants. It also makes me nervous to see people who are just getting into this hobby assume that S/H is a miracle way of growing plants and assume that their plants will do well without knowing how to grow their plants in the first place. It is a recipe for disaster.

I'd also like to point out that my original post was merely a report on the progress of my plants so far - not a statement of sucess. Though they are doing well, three months time is much too short to determine sucess or failure. What I plan to do is to offer a status report every three months or so. Sucess or failure will probably take at least a year or two to determine.
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Old 07-13-2008, 05:49 PM
trinimom trinimom is offline

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S/H Three Months In...

I was quite taken aback by the tone of the replies here. I am no specialist in Orchid growing and would never claim ever under the sun that I am or ever will be.
I have been growing orchids about 20 years aback when my husband bought me a white flowering dendrobium as my first and it remained my first for many years after that, but so many plants and so many have I shared to my neighbours from that first plant. It was not until 10 years later that I received more as gifts and then it propelled me into caring for them. My medium has always been the same and would continue to be the same unless my orchids change as right now I have dens , phals and oncidiums. Pieces of clay , charcoal and white pebbles and they are planted in clay pots or baskets.

I was so much taken aback by the tone of the post by Ray and the one following this post by Snowden...it is as if I am out of place here and should just leave....

Thank God I have never spoken ot my Secondary School students in this manner or else I would have not spent over 40 years in teaching.

Bye and was nice being here.
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den, division, leaves, noid, paph, months, s/h

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