In summer 2021 I bought a mericlone of Cymbidium Milton Carpenter 'Everglades Gold' in a 4" / 10cm pot from Carter & Holmes. I had been looking for this plant and they were sold as virus-free. They were supposed to be large enough to flower. When it came it had two pseudobulbs big enough to see and was making a new growth.
This is said to be a plant that flowers without the fall night cooldown. It is.
During late summer and fall I wasn't able to care for my plants as well as I would have liked. It spent some of our hottest weeks in August through September in a hot and very humid sunroom at a constant 85 F / 30C day and night. Yet in December the newest growth, now mature, threw up a spike and flowered. I don't have photos of it because I wasn't expecting it, and I discovered it after the 6-flowered spike had broken under its own weight. Next time I'll stake it.
It hasn't begun new growth yet, so I'm going to repot. I've read Ray had great success with Cymbidiums in S/H so I'm going to do that, but with a much larger container than the 1-quart/liter deli containers I use for smaller plants.
Here it is before repotting, among various succulent Bromeliads and some seedlings of a dwarf form of Dracaena draco.
Here it is unpotted above the LECA in its new home, a plastic bin 8.5" / 21.5cm tall and 9.75" wide. I don't bother removing old medium that doesn't shake loose when I move plants to S/H. I think removing the medium and damaging roots is far worse for a plant than leaving some old medium. This Cym will take off, making a huge new root system quickly, now that weather is warming up, and I will be able to keep it moister than in that tiny 4" pot.
And here it is potted, less than a minute later.