I live in a very different climate than you Kim in CT. I am in arid New Mexico. Whenever I get a new Phal, even when blooming, I transfer to LECA, with clear pot. two holes up from bottom one inch. I have never lost blooms even if done the same day or a week later.
The only Phal I have lost was I realized later, was a bad choice made without looking at the leaves carefully. I still have it six months later and after removing it from LECA, kept for a while in full water culture, and just today replanted it back in S/H. When I first took out of LECA, found bad roots, removed and was only left with one. It now has one growing from that one and three other nubs.
I am sure there are many here that can advise you better, many different voices, some say wait until blooms drop, some say leave, others cut it back close to crown, and here on OB, I read all and decide what fits for me.
I personally cut back to close to leaves. or two or three inches up.
I have three forth of my Phals blooming from winter 19/20. I have about 15 phals, some onc's, a zylopedalum a yr or two old. 3 seedling vandas that are finally growing roots after a yr, and 4 new mature vandas.
All except Vandas that I bareroot and dunk daily, are in S/H and healthy.
I think healthy roots refer both to the nubs and the green tips of older roots.
And I did not see clearly what you say is a new stem growing, and wondering if it might be an air root on your Phal.
Last edited by early; 04-04-2021 at 04:29 PM..