Microfeeding Bacteria to Orchids
Bacteria maybe the good guys in feeding orchids and helping to fight of diseases. I set up a rather unique orchid growing method this year to test out this concept. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Microfeeding cultured bacteria in orchid growing may benefit by feedingn billions and billions of purposely cultured nutrient rich bacteria daily (Biofertilizer),which both efficiently feeds the plants and makes them less susceptible to disease by strengthening their immune system.
My method boost the normal effort of orchids to attract and grow bacteria around their root system. It feeds billions and billions of live new single cell bacteria. I believe this method, or variations of it, will hopefully make it easier for anyone to grow healthier orchid plants. This is not the same as watering with a compost tea. Microfeeding a Biofertilizer of live dense cultured bacteria and is different from organic fertilizers and teas.
Microfeeding is a growing field of research in commercial farming to increase crop yield and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and chemical treatment of crops. At the same time reducing the damage from nitrogen and phosphate run off into streams and rivers.
Hopefully these comments will stimulate interest and my unique methods in orchid growing, my posts to follow will stimulate interest and discussions.