In October 2015 I received a small Blc. Sweet Silk 'Vanilla Sky' in a surprise box from Carmela Orchids. There is a group photo in this thread:
Carmela Orchids
I quickly put it into semi-hydroponic culture. It took off growing. This is an extremely vigorous and tough plant that reliably breaks multiple leads, and is in near-continuous growth in my warm growing area. If you have struggled with weak Cattleyas in the past, I recommend this one.
It has survived numerous pack rat attacks, but never got big enough to flower before being chomped again.
I looked at it today, and realized the newest lead had turned downward in its 1-quart/liter S/H pot. Maybe it did this to hide from the pack rats.
I unpotted it, and repotted the rhizome at a steep angle. This was the minimum angle to get the lead growing out of the pot, without putting any pressure on the new lead.