I am a firm believer in the notion that most of these plants can and will adapt a LOT to the way we grow them and that if you are going to change the culture you will
most likely be growing new roots in order for the plant to thrive in that new culture.
I cannot find the recent thread but someone was remarking about the difference between an air root and a SH root.
here is a Phal that has a an air root that has grown into the LECA and is thriving
Gardena and friends by
J Solo, on Flickr
this is an Arachnis Maggie oei growing an air root into the soil
This and that by
J Solo, on Flickr
and this is a dendrobium that is ONLY air roots...it is likely getting some assistance from the other plant in the tree's cruck, but it is also clearly getting a lot given it's vitality
Neighborhood by
J Solo, on Flickr
so what's the point? if you allow the roots to grow into the medium then they will be fine! All the experienced growers know this but i see it discussed a lot so i hope this can be a helpful resource