Originally Posted by WaterWitchin
I thought he was talking about semi-hydro with the two-pot method, but guess I could be wrong. If the concern is the easiest (laziest) way of going about it, that would sure be his best route. Not saying I advise it, but it would sure suit his goals.
---------- Post added at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------
Subrosa... are there particular orchids you grow this way for a reason? Or just because? Curious. And they thrive as well or better than SH?
I've had no success with Phalaenopsis or Vanda in s/h, likely because of a combination of marginal winter temps in my plant room and s/h running cool compared to other cultures due to the increased evaporation. I have a couple Vanda in baskets that at this point have little to no media left, and they do very well for me. But the daily watering can be a pain. Like you, I look for the easiest way to get where I want to go, and fwc is definitely working for me. I used it to rescue the last Phal in my collection, a declining amabalis, and it has turned around nicely, growing a couple new leaves and some decent roots. Since the plant is sitting in the exact same spot in which it was dying in s/h, I presume that the water acts as thermal mass to keep the roots warmer at night. The basket and vase technique allows me to easily maintain the plant at a constant height relative to the water level. I set the plants up with about .5" of root tips in the water and let the roots grow naturally into the water. It's much less work than any other culture method I've tried, requiring only a bit of topping off and about a weekly change of water in the vases.