Mostly a question of the benefits of doing this...would it need to be used immediately or just degrade and be a waste? Would it potentially enhance the LECA once used if it really absorbed a lot of the inocucor
I figure since inocucor enhances the growing environment it could be beneficial....
Thoughts? Ray?
I was thinking about if I did it I would make about a double strength mix of two gallons and dump 30l of LECA into it and let it evaporate to about half the volume...
I’m sure it would be a benefit, but an expensive one that would add little. You’re better off applying it once potted.
Remember, you’re trying to populate the plant with the live critters, not the LECA so much, as the pellets don’t harbor pathogens as well as organic media components.
I keep a five gallon bucket of LECA sitting in RO water, and keep it topped up. When I get ready to plant, I presoak what I need for 24 or so hours in KelpMax. The Inocucor I just add for its first flush when potting up. As Ray says... that stuff's too expensive unless it's hitting roots.