Originally Posted by fishmom
Best practice is to do a flush-and-fill each time you water. I cover the holes at the top of the reservoir with my hand, fill the pot to the top, let the water run out, tip the pot slightly to get it as empty as possible, and then fill the reservoir with water, fertilizer solution, etc.
That's pretty much what i did. Just wasn't sure if watering 2x/week is a lot, if it should dry out a bit before watering again. All the roots are green and only one above the hydroballs got that silvery look from drying out.
It also came out if super packed sphag and was very wet with quite a bit of rot so not sure if letting it dry out at all would shock the roots or be good for them.
I also thought of filling the entire Tupperware container its in and letting it sit for 20 min or so then flushing it out and refilling the reservoir like once a week would help firm up the kinda floppy bottom leaves