Hi I'm interested in buying orchids already growing in Leca (I use Hydroton). Does anyone have a web site or know where in can purchase any? I've been growing about half of my orchids in S/H for about 10 months and love how simple it is. I have a flow table, just set and just watch them grow. I'd like to add to my S/H orchids but not do want the hassle or worry of changing more over. RR
Interesting question but I must say...I've never even once seen an orchid planted in LECA from any grower. Please let us know if you find somebody who does that
Me too, I love to repot and see the condition of the roots. Besides once they are in S/H I have no worries about how long the media will last until it decomposes so bad it suffocates the roots... with s/h you repot the plant once then when it out grows the pot you just pull it out of the pot and put it into a larger one and fill in with s/h!
What can be easier?
To me it is a real time saver, the next time is real quick.