Forum: Pests & Diseases
10-27-2023, 09:27 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,648
Brown fuzz destroying phal leaves
I have some sort of brown fuzz destroying the leaves on one of my mini phals. Don’t know what it is, looks fungal if I had to guess. Any ID and suggested treatment would be appreciated.
Forum: Beginner Discussion
09-21-2023, 03:02 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 720
Forum: Beginner Discussion
09-18-2023, 12:19 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 720
Would you accept this orchid or complain?
I purchased several orchids recently on Etsy. One of the plants I received is not in good shape and has clearly had issues with dehydration for some time.
Would you accept this, or complain to...
Forum: Identification Forum
08-19-2023, 02:48 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 993
Forum: Identification Forum
08-19-2023, 12:52 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 993
ID on these two orchids
Hi all. Long time orchid collector, first time Orchid Board user.
Can anyone identify these 2 orchids I recently came across on Pinterest?
Thanks in advance for any help with identification!...