Forum: Beginner Discussion
02-04-2018, 06:25 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,877
It is maybe my 3rd attemp with a micranthum...
It is maybe my 3rd attemp with a micranthum hybrid, but this is the fist time I have a some success with it, having 2 new plantlets growing since I bought it one year ago :). Maybe this cross is...
Forum: Beginner Discussion
02-04-2018, 07:25 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,877
Forum: Beginner Discussion
02-03-2018, 04:47 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,877
Phaph Fumu’s Delight, flower bud turned brown
I was very excited when I saw the sheet of a new flower bud emerged few weeks ago.
Unfortunately it stop developing and turned brown.
My plant is potted in bark with a thin layer of sphagnum moss....
Forum: Vanda Alliance - Neofinetia
10-27-2017, 07:11 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 2,506
Forum: Vanda Alliance - Neofinetia
10-26-2017, 08:56 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 2,506
Neofinetia reblooming
My Neofinetia falcata Shutennou has bloomed in July and is blooming again!
I have learned at our last local orchid show that Shutennou is known to occasionally bloom twice the same year.
Is there...
Forum: Vanda Alliance - Neofinetia
07-16-2017, 07:40 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 6,445