Unregistered hybrids
In my collection, there are a large number of unregistered hybrids. It is an annoyance when writing new labels, and a direct problem if I want to use one of those plants for breeding, since the RHS Registrar only accepts new registrations, if both parents are registered.
Many of the breeders in Asia do not bother to register their crosses, so I have plants that have bloomed for 5-10 years, but are not registered yet. Admittedly, I have also come across a few cases, where a plant very belatedly is registered.
The RHS Registrar wants the names of both the originator, and whoever is registering the grex. If not the same, you should have the originators permission to name the grex. However, he does acccept 'unknown' for the originator, if you make a legitimate effort to track down the origins of a plant, but are unable to find the originator.
What would you consider a reasonable time frame, to allow the originator to register a grex?