Originally Posted by Ordphien
How big of a group order?
Maybe 3 or 4 people who are 100% interested and committed is fine. More than 4 people is fine too. CITES, phyto, and shipping and handling costs are fairly reasonable with this particular seller, so a smaller group of people involved in the group order is feasible.
Originally Posted by Ordphien
What's the skinny lol?
I just contacted the seller, he should get back to me in a few days with some info.
Since it is growing season for Thelymitras right now in the northern hemisphere, I have to ask if they are able to be shipped right now, or if it is preferable to wait.
Once I find out more information, I will proceed to provide more information to those interested in placing a group order.
Originally Posted by Ordphien
I like small flowers so that's a plus for me..
I'd have to get the bluest one possible. It would match my yard so well lol.
If you're looking for species, they only have 3 species that are blue. The other 2 species are pink.
The largest tuberoid of the 3 blue species the seller has available belongs to
Thelymitra nuda.
If you're looking for hybrids, they have tons of hybrids, but I don't know how many of them are blue.
Should your yard have rocky/sandy soil, you can grow them in your yard. In the wild they grow in soil that is composed of small granitic rocks and crushed/decomposed granite.
If you're interested in Diuris, Ophrys, Orchis, or Anacamptis, they have them for sale too.