If you're asking whether there's the possibility of a scandal involving Phrag kovachii actually being a man-made hybrid, I'd have to concur with Magnus A that Phrag kovachii is the real deal, and it is a species.
All the Phrag kovachii photos I've seen does indeed have some variation in them, but they are normal variations within a species! Different variants of Phrag kovachii despite its morphological variations, are still recognizable as Phrag kovachii.
With the advent of DNA testing, there is a good shot at finding out whether Phrag kovachii truly is a species unique unto itself, or a man-made hybrid scam.
There is no question that Phrag kovachii is a species.
As to the issue of who discovered this plant first, I have no idea. You gotta remember, the person who formally introduces the plant to science is not necessarily always the first person to have seen it in the wild! This has been the case with multiple plants and animals throughout history!!! People who do not know a lick of science may have known of this plant's existence for a very long time already, they probably just thought nothing of it. Prior to Phrag kovachii making a big splash in the orchid community and the
orchid hobby market (yes, "market" as in having a relationship to
business), the people who have known of its existence for decades or even hundreds of years, may have just admired it and thought it's a beautiful flower and passed on by.
When people assigned a ridiculous amount of worth to the plant, that's when people got greedy and thought only about how to line their own pockets with money for whatever reasons they have.
It's the principle of controlling supply and demand. It is also the principle of assigning worth to an object.
Of course, it's a "smoke and mirrors" game. That's capitalism at its finest.
Perception is the best liar on the planet!
I'm also going to boil the whole "scientist discovering the plant first" thing down to this -
it's a popularity contest amongst plant dorks - there I said it. 'Cause this kinda stuff boosts the ego big time.