It's a horticultural taxonomic rank. A group/cultivar group refers to cultivars that share common trait (as defined by the registered group description). In other plants, groups don't have to be related unless defined in their description. I don't know if the RHS necessitates that groups are contained within a single grex but I haven't come across any orchid groups that aren't. For orchids, the general purpose is to define an individual cross, especially when the choice of parentage results in seedlings that aren't typical of the grex. Unfortunately, while you can register cultivars and groups with the RHS, their grex database doesn't contain listings for them. However, if you comb through the old Sanders lists, you should be able to find other examples of groups that have been registered (cultivars and groups are usually published at the end of the grex list).
Last edited by Andrew; 02-17-2011 at 08:24 PM..