Yours gets very confusing.
It is C. schilleriana if it is the species and
C. Schilleriana if it is the hybrid of intermedia x purpurata.
So since yours was an Lc. you should keep the name very carefully so as not to confuse it with the species.
I just finished looking up the new name of over 7500 orchids to update my Photo Gallery with all the newest names and their parents.
During these searches I found Cattleya hybrids that had 3 or more orchids named exactly the same.
RHS is putting the registration year with the name to indicate which set of parents created the hybrid. For yours ,SOS, I would make the tag C. schilleriana (C. intermedia x C. pupurata)
Here is a photo of the species which is mottled. Neither of the parents of your orchid is mottled so I do not expect it to look anything like the species. I do not have a photo of the hybrid.
Here is the result of three months of work
Orchid Gallery selection page