Originally Posted by PaphMadMan
This is a aquarium fertilizer product, isn't it? There's no harm in supplying these minor elements to your plants in moderate amounts, and it might be of some benefit. Since it isn't the intended use for the product I think it would be hard figuring out how much should be used and how to use it. It is easy enough to find soluble fertilizers with minor elements intended for use on potted plants, so why not get a product meant for this purpose?
I am not sure if it was originally intended for use in aquariums, but that is why I have it. I have plenty to spare, so I thought perhaps it would be a good idea to give the 'kids' an occasional trace snack. My next question was going to be how much should be dosed. No easy calculator for that I guess.
Originally Posted by Ray
Be careful with trace elements. Plants' physiologies can be thrown off quite severely, real easily by overdosing them.
Are you sure your fertilizer isn't supplying enough of them?
Maybe this explains some issues I'm having with a couple of my aquatic plants. Can you by chance give any examples of what overdosing specific trace elements can do to plants?
My current orchid fertilizer does not list everything that's included in CSM+B. I have no idea which trace elements and quantities are recommended for orchids. I guess it's time for me to do some more research...