Originally Posted by sii
I was looking for info on KLN and superthrive. So what is the concensus?
Is there a natural product that would give similar results?
I have used both - but since I haven't used them comparatively (at the same time, different plants) - or even really compared as far as using one or the other in one plant, and nothing for another - hard to actually say
I've mostly used superthrive the past couple of years, only because I can get it locally, so no shipping charges. I don't use it a lot, but if I do have a plant that could use some help in the root department, I will use a few drops of it in water, but not usually routinely - a once or twice type thing. And every few months, I may use a couple drops /gallon when watering all the plants. I used to use it more frequently, but a couple of times got some funky blooms, which may, or may NOT have been from the hormones - who knows ...
for plants that need help with roots, I may not be using it enough to be helpful - idk

I've also had plants with no roots, that have recovered fine without hormones - tho I figure it can't hurt if you don't go overboard, and it may help
I'm not sure about natural products - I have read posts about coconut WATER (I think, tho perhaps it was the milk ?) being used as a natural keiki inducing product, or possibly as a rooting hormone - don't remember the specifics - you might do a search on the forum - I'll try to do the same. Probably other members have some info ...