Originally Posted by dgenovese1
Hi Orchidbingo,
Peloricism (if that's a word) is very common with this cross, and it may not even be evident with the first or even second and third flowering of the plant. I'm not sure what causes it other than genetics?
I do know that once it becomes evident, the plant will always bloom peloric. That's all I know about it...at least for now.
Thanks David.
I just finished reading the articles that the king of orchid growing linked me to.
Pelorics are indeed homeotic mutations! The reason this is so exciting is that I've done work on homeotics in fruitflies,
Drosophila melanogaster ,and it is a natural progression to do more work on homeotics mutants -- this time on orchids! Therefore I think that I could write a grant proposal to continue my research on homeotic mutants and peloricism (the word you coined
If I could get such a grant I could shoo all the flies out of my lab and start growing oncidium intergenerics... to my hearts content.
Possible grant title... The role of gene duplication in the evolution of peloricism in the Orchidaceae: An evolutionary survey of oncidium intergenerics purchased from websites of orchid nurseries.
Hey, I've gotta find a way to finance my renewed addiction.
As you say "there IS ALWAYS room for one more orchid"