Paph. In-Charm Well or Paph. Buddy Mark??
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Paph. In-Charm Well or Paph. Buddy Mark??
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Old 07-21-2008, 11:44 AM
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Oscarman Oscarman is offline
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Default Paph. In-Charm Well or Paph. Buddy Mark??

Q. #1
I thought that with reverse crosses (where the roles of the pod and pollen parent plants are reversed), the resulting offspring are to have the same name (called a Grex).

So for example:
Orchid #1 (the pod parent) is crossed with Orchid #2 (the pollen parent) and the resulting hybrid is registered as Orchid #3.

With a reverse cross, the pod and pollen parents switch places. So for example:
Orchid #2 (becomes the pod parent) crossed with Orchid #1 (becomes the pollen parent) = Orchid #3

Q. #2
According to Kew, the accepted name for the species Paph. wenshanense is Paph. bellatulum.

A cross between Paph. Saint Swithin x Paph. wenshanense = Paph. In-Charm Well (registered 2003)

And a cross between Paph. bellatulum x Paph. Saint Swithin = Paph. Buddy Mark (registered 1992)

Why are there 2 registered crosses using the same parents when the role of pod and pollen parents have been reversed?
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Last edited by Oscarman; 10-25-2008 at 03:31 PM..
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Old 07-21-2008, 01:21 PM
shakkai shakkai is offline
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I can't answer your question, unfortunately, but I can share in your pain...

I ran into this problem a little while ago - and it appears to be a problem that some names that are now synonyms are actually still accepted for registration purposed. (As well as the fact that not everyone agrees on what is a syn. and what is not... but that's a whole 'nother issue that is unlikely to ever be resolved as long as there are splitter taxonomists and lumper taxonomists!!) So my guess is that, according to Kew as the international registrar, both bellatulum and wenshanense are acceptable for registration purposes, hence the two grex names.

I have cross labelled as (purpurescens x venustum var. pardinum)... now, depending on who you go by, purpurescens is a syn. of javanica or javanica v. virens. Both javanica and virens (as separate entity) are acceptable for registration purposes. Both are listed as having registered grexes with venustum... so what is the name of my plant? I finally decided, after talking to the person who made the cross, that virens was the more correct syn. based on the plant he used. So I now have the plant labeled as Venus Legend.

Unless you can actually trace the parent plant that was involved in that particular make of the grex, there is no real way to decide which name to use, as far as I can see.

Sorry couldn't be of more help!

Last edited by shakkai; 07-21-2008 at 01:23 PM..
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orchid, paph, parent, pod, pollen, mark, buddy, in-charm

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