i'll try to limit my posts soon, i promise! anyway, it was like ray was reading my mind when he told me that Kelpmax is sold as Kelpak in europe. i had been casually looking to get some over the morning but could not find it online. now that i know the name, i still can't find it anywhere.
so, are any of the europeans on here able to tell me where to get kelpak ordered from germany?! thanks for any info!
The price is right but because it is a 10 times bigger bottle than what I bought it works out rather expensive for the small hobby growers!
Besgrow sells 1L bottles of Kelpak, which IMO is already a small enough quantity for the typical hobby grower, considering that it keeps for a rather long time in the fridge. With monthly applications on my collection of about 80 plants, plus use on other plants, it does go down rather quickly.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
hey, thanks for the suggestion, but I ordered a liter thru Besgrow. 30 euro with ship and vat...so pricey but if it helps our plants to thrive then it’s worth it.