I'm quite sure I'm not affected with Covid or scatterbrained by the use of any kind of hallucinogen fungi...

I have probably wrong translated the Italian word 'Cimice'...so a better translation might be a stinky bug that refers to
Nezara viridula and
Halyomorpha halys.
I just repotted a couple of orchids and I confirm that in my opinion is not a matter of decomposed media for the following reasons:
- if I remove the pot there's apparently no bad smell on the media or root nest;
- the bad smell occurs only on the fresh/new roots and not on rotted ones;
- it happens only if the roots are broken;
- if I sniff the media it has not the same smell as the roots.
- if I repot more than an orchid (after the same stay time in the media) that has the same media only certain orchids have a bad smell.
I think might be interesting to investigate why this happens only on some orchids (I have more than 600 different species) and not on all...