This coming Saturday some of the members of the Houston Orchid Society are going out to the Piney Woods of East Texas to search for some native orchids. It will be my third time. Last year we started a project to polinate, set seed and harvest the endangered Cypripedium kentuckyense. We have seedlings now (I have one, since last week, it is about 7-8 cm high, two leaves). The plan is to repopulate these orchids into the habitat in a couple of years. We have a grant, not from AOS, nor HOS, but another group, to cover our costs of flasking and replating.
We also observed an abortive polination of one plant in bloom when a bumblebee dove into the pouch of the only flower in the vicinity. Boy, was it upset! Tring to get out, it was too big to pass behind the staminode and take pollen. Instead the clever little thing did a perfect vertical climb out of the center and just barely cleared the edges of the pouch.
This is the very orchid we then selfed and got the seed pod a couple of months later.
I guess this makes me a father... sort of.
I'll keep everybody posted on the trip after I get back.
Last edited by tbaenziger; 04-11-2008 at 02:37 AM..
Reason: forgot some info