Daryl Venable runs
Tezula Plants in Florida. He specializes in Tolumnia hybrids.
I transcribed some of his detailed lecture on growing these plants when he spoke to our local society in September 2018:
Darryl Venables on Tolumnia - DVOS September 2018
He told our club he has received many more seedling flasks of Tolumnia and reed-stemmed Epidendrum hybrids than he expected, and he wants to sell a lot of them rapidly. Our orchid society is placing a group order. Then we will have a deflasking party and split them up amongst ourselves.
Flasks, prices and how to contact are shown in
this Google Docs spreadsheet.
This is Daryl's photo of a typical flask:
If you or your club are interested, please contact Daryl at the contact given in the link above.
More information on the Epidendrum hybrids: They are from crosses made by one of Daryl's clients who is no longer able to take them. Daryl is not familiar with the parents, because he doesn't grow them. I looked up the ones I could; the Pacific series were made by Cal-Orchids in pursuit of larger, more numerous flower clusters on tall plants. Most have red-orange ancestry.