Cattleya Angel's Dream Selfed... itself - worth harvesting pod?
I probably should have asked this before the pod was so far along and potentially saved the plant the trouble but here I am.
Last summer I got a Cattleya Ange's Dream from SVO and it put out a flower bud in early October. The flower never came to fruition; before it opened, it dried up. I thought the plant had blasted it until the tell tale swelling of the seed pod. As far as I can tell, this was the plant's first bloom.
Because it dried up, the colors were not true and I could not determine that shape and substance but it appears that this plant took more from Mari's Song than Bright Angel.
What are your thoughts - would it be worth my time (or my money) to either try some at home flasking or to have it sent out? I'm not looking to make award winning plants or anything but I would like to get some exeperience with flasked seedling care and deflasking and not waste my time with an inferior plant that selfed itself.