Hi Abby, I would suggest that you purchase media from Phytotechlabs.com that is premeasured and formulated. All you do is add it to boiling distilled water and then pour into flasks. This way you will eliminate a lot of chance for errors your first time around. I also would suggest you sterilize your flasks in a pressure canner at 15 lbs steam pressure. I think that it will give you better results. I use bleach solution to sterilize the glove box or flow hood. Mix a solution of 10% bleach and water(10ml of bleach to 100ml of water) and put it into a cheap spray bottle. Put everything you need into the glove box including the spray bottle, flasks, seed pod, tools, etc. and spray everywhere. Let this sit for 15 min and spray again. Let sit for another 15 min and then you can start working in the box as long as it is not opened. Everytime you open the box, it will need to be resprayed as above. Any tools that you use can be placed into a pan of bleach solution in the box or a container of alcohol. I made my first glove box from a 30 gal fish aquarium. Then I built a flow hood and I like that much better. Maybe Royal will jump in with some suggestions because I think he is using a glove box.