Hi everyone! Just an update - (no pictures yet but I will try and take some asap!)
The Laelia lucasiana has germinated like crazy - all the little protocorms now have their first leaves and I see what I believe are the beginnings of roots! Yay!
My C. bilamellatum is forming these weird green cell clumps...I think some of them are becoming protocorms. I don't remember where I read that this indicates some sort of excess nutrient but I don't remember the solution nor where I read it, so any advice would be helpful
The others (coelogyne confusa, sarc. falcatus) are showing variable slow germination - actually I have an embarrassing confession - I may have contaminated those flasks with l. lucasiana seed, because during the first flask I didn't realize the size of the seed and may have blown a bit into the other seed vials! So all we have to do is wait and see what these babies turn out to be.

No action from the cymb. goeringii.
They are sitting quite close under cool white CFLs, but I don't see any burning, so it should be OK but any other advice regarding lighting would be appreciated!
In addition, I've flasked an additional 8 species this weekend (I know I'm being over ambitious but I couldn't resist!)...unfortunately, I think I screwed something up with the media because for some reason it turned out much more dilute and soft compared to last time

I used p668 at half strength with 20g/L of sucrose like last time so I don't know what went wrong...maybe my calculations for my media were messed up. Regardless, I plated some seed and if it fails then I guess I'll know what happened. I was tempted to try using W2.5 to germinate, but I realized I need to save it for replating my laelias (which I believe I should do soon?? I'll post pictures for you to judge soon although they are awfully hard to capture through the flask!)
Royal (did your package arrive?) I will definitely try different medias for my next wave of sowing - I think I'll order some different types this weekend from Aaron!