So excited!!!! The vendors told me they wouldn't send this flask because it wasn't good quality.
When I went to pick up my pre-order, the guy came back with this.
I couldn't believe it! Plus, I hadn't budgeted for it, so I was short, but the vendor took pity on me and sold it to me for $40 cheaper than I had been quoted.

Now, the serious questions...
1. The plants look good to me, so not sure why they didn't want to send. How do they look to you? Maybe I got someone else's flask?
2. How quickly should I be removing from the flask? There are two leaves browning, and I don't want any more to be affected. I've ordered Inocucor and KelpMax from Ray, but am not sure when I'll be able to drive to the US to get them (I'd prefer to unflask them with these two additives to improve chances of survival. These are precious paphs to me!)
3. I would like to try Ray's method of simply taking entire 'puck' of agar and flasklings and popping them directly into one semi-hydro compot pot.
Knock on wood, all my orchids in s/h have done really well for me and are healthier and happier than the few others I still have in moss or bark. Hence my leaning towards s/h. Any reason to suspect this cross will not do well in s/h?
4. Any hints for success? This will be my first paph flask (I also preordered and got a flask of Paph. helenae).