I wanted to try my hand at breeding and have a NOID phal that lost its crown leaf in a repotting accident (didn't know it was gone until I put the plant back and saw the leaf in my kitchen sink. I have no idea what happened.

Despite it being a NOID, I really like the phal. It's scented, has lovely colours, and flowers on multiple branched spikes (papa phal).
The first two pics are of the parents. The mama I picked because I like her beige and burgundy markings. Her flowers appear first as a lime green and burgundy colour then mature into the beige.
The second two pics show what I think is swelling. Also, the colour of the flower has remained quite yellow instead of lightening into the beige. What do you think? Could she be pregnant?
I will also be trying an experiment on the papa plant on creating either a basal or spike keiki with coconut milk/ water or kelp fertilizer (I have no keiki paste). If anyone has had success with creating keikis with this method, please do tell what you have learned!