Not sure if you were the one recently asking for flask resources, but I have interesting feedback as to why most available plants are divisions. I had ensifolium seeds flasked about 2 years ago. To date only about 20 plants have germinated and are only about an inch tall. I reperformed the cross and germination, again, is very low. It can this be inferred that seed propagation - at least for this species - is not viable.
Thanks Orchidsarefun that's very interesting. I have heard about this too from various sources although have never been able to substantiate it. Do you have any seeds you're willing to give away? I can't promise to send you flasks as I'm in Australia and exporting things are a pain in the arse from the Australian biodome.
I don't have any seeds and have given up on further intergeneric crosses too until I see the results of the cross I did do.......maybe in about 7 years ! hahahaha...
I'm only looking for species at the moment. Would be lovely to have selfs of famous Chinese cultivars (like the suxin Alba forms) which are stable on sexual reproduction. Am going to try HengDuan again and see if they can send me seeds. Thanks again for your help.