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Old 02-13-2008, 10:53 AM
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Question Replating

I have flasks of Phal. stobartiana X equestris that are germinating . Is replating a matter of crowding , gas exchange in non vented flasks , or the growing medium , size? . At what point are they replated ? I have read back thru all the good info. on here, read several diffrent things that don't agree with each other . Thanks Gin
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Old 02-13-2008, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Gin View Post
I have flasks of Phal. stobartiana X equestris that are germinating . Is replating a matter of crowding , gas exchange in non vented flasks , or the growing medium , size? . At what point are they replated ? I have read back thru all the good info. on here, read several diffrent things that don't agree with each other . Thanks Gin
Sorry can't help you out Gin, but that sounds like a REALLY exciting cross and I am dying to see how it looks . Do you find growing stobartiana very difficult to grow? Good luck with the replating and I hope someone more knowledgeable chimes in.
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Old 02-13-2008, 01:03 PM
newflasker newflasker is offline
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Originally Posted by Gin View Post
I have flasks of Phal. stobartiana X equestris that are germinating . Is replating a matter of crowding , gas exchange in non vented flasks , or the growing medium , size? . At what point are they replated ? I have read back thru all the good info. on here, read several diffrent things that don't agree with each other . Thanks Gin
It's a very interesting topic: when we should replate your seedlings. I think we need to discuss more about it. IMO we use our common sense to determine when we will replate our seedlings.

1. crowding & size: If there not enough space for seedlings to grow then we need to replate so plants got more space as well as nutrient. There is no doubt about it.

2. Venting: Some experts said that there's no need for young seedling less than 6 months. Few said that special species need venting jar. I try both venting and no-venting with Phal and Den and see not much differences. However, I prefer venting jars: no different pressure inside or outside of the jar; easy and less contaminate when transfer from one jar to another (when you open jar it sucks contaminate air in); it's better to get venting when seedlings are big.

3. Growing medium. Many experts prefer sowing seeds in sowing medium (normally less sugar and salt/fertilizer) then transfer protocorms to a maintenant medium (more sugar,salt/fertilizer, hormone) to get more roots and grow faster. Remember that seedlings release some toxic material such as phenolic in medium so replate seedlings every 3 months if you can. I prefer sowing and replating seeds in the same media for reasons: I don't have expensive & luxury LFH so transferring plants from one jar to another jar could be a nightmare for me if it get contamination. I will transfer seedlings when they have at least 2 leaves and few roots. If they got contamination I can sterile them and sow them in moss. Otherwise if protocorms get fungi it's better to throw them away. So it depends on the what you have, the way you want to sow your seeds and how you choose your media.

What are your opinion?. Welcome to discuss.
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Old 02-13-2008, 04:21 PM
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Lots of good info, newflasker! I think I like your ideas on venting for pressure equalization. I cringe when I hear a sterile mother flask pull air in.

Gin, From what I understand, the most important reason is newflaker's #3. Replate media will grow your plants faster. Germination media is much leaner as far as nutrients go.

Lots of knowledgeable people on the board! I'm sure you'll figure it out. Just let us know what works.
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Old 02-13-2008, 04:24 PM
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Thank You . I wanted to find out before I have to replate them.If they make it .
I am in the same boat no LFH . Just an aquarium , bleach , and assorted tools , very low tech . I am using Hills in the mother flasks .
I have bought deflasked plants from Myers Lab. some were very very tiny what I did with those was mill Spag. moss Nuke it in the microwave,rinse with dilute Physan and plant them in it,cover with plastic with a few holes , almost all grew fine even the ones that were hardly more then a protocorm .. Thank You very much for all the info. you have provided it is appreciated . Gin
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Old 02-14-2008, 09:43 AM
maitaman maitaman is offline
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The idea of replating is mostly a change in nutrient levels and to stop the overcrowding. It can be done when the protocorms are no larger than pinheads (so now to figure which size pinhead!). I've replated when they were no more than small green dots, but have better results when they are a bit larger. It can be done anytime after the protocorms form, but is better done before roots and leaves begin to develop. Allow room for the plant leaves to reach the top of the flask/bottle/whatever. A friend uses baby food jars and puts 5-7 per jar. A larger Erlen-myer flask can handle about a hundred plants comfortably, but roots become entangled so care must be used in separating them for compotting.
You can leave them in the mother flask until compot size if you don't plant too many. It will be slower, but works.
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Old 02-14-2008, 10:19 AM
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Thank You for the info. they are in 7 pint jars not sown thick , the pod was small , is there any way to add the extra nutrients to the mother flasks ? I guess the risk of contamination would be to risky, would it work if the nutrients could be sterilized ? Thanks again for the info. it is much appreciated . Gin
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Old 02-14-2008, 11:47 AM
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Best to start with fresh medium than to try to add nutrients. I don't think it is worth the effort, and I'm not sure it would work anyway.

One of the main reasons to replate is to move your crowded protocorms onto a medium that supports root and top growth. Plus, moving them while they are still protocorms avoids damaging roots. You may need to replate twice, especially with heavily sown mother flasks (seems to be a problem with cattleyas and some hybrid phals).

It is certainly nice to replate into a nice pattern in your flask, it is prettier and an evenly spaced pattern lets the seedlings develop evenly. Plus if you ever want to sell them they sell better... But, just throwing them in haphazardly is better than not replating.
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Old 10-27-2008, 12:17 AM
dgenovese1 dgenovese1 is offline
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Thanks for starting this thread. It's got some great information that will come in useeful when I'm ready.
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Old 10-27-2008, 11:00 AM
Royal Royal is offline
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Originally Posted by Gin View Post
is there any way to add the extra nutrients to the mother flasks ? I guess the risk of contamination would be to risky, would it work if the nutrients could be sterilized ?
Adding certain nutrients after the fact can be done, but not to the extent that it would save you from replating. Sometimes liquid overlays are added (usually additional iron as EDTA), but depending on the nutrient it may not be heat stable. In this case you'd need to filter sterilize. Odds are you don't have equipment to do this (I don't) so replating is the best bet.
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