Well, I decided to try flask seedlings, and started reading.
Here they are.
Well, lets say some of them were a bit like scrambled eggs.
Shaken, but not stirred😜

Some worse than others, but I kinda figured that might happen.
Okey, then we have the mix. I decided to test something- so I made small containers myself. I will be growing half of them in pure perlite, and half in seedling mix I made myself.
For the seedling mix I made these, with about 100 holes in each😂 Its gonna be airy enough…😎 They are pretty tiny cups (will measure later)
For the perlite I made some that are a bit taller, with bigger holes in the bottom and side, and only small holes on the sides. Taller because they are gonna stand in water, and I want the part where the plant is to be moist, but not really wet.

Difference in size (still not moss in the mix)
I decided to use two small greenhouse, one with water in, and one with leca in. Everything has been sterilized- the mix and the pots and the greenhouses.
The mix: 1 part small bark, 1 part perlite and 1 part moss.
I usually work with dry media, but decided to wet it. Seedlings doesnt need much fertilizer, and I was going forth and back deciding to use or not to use. I ended up with 1/40 of recommended dose. I took 1 dl with 1/4 of recommended dose, then put it in 1 liter of rainwater. I used bio nutrition for water, without the bad nitrogen in it- urea (?). That means the mix got a tiny tiny bit of nutrition that is plant based- and will not harm it.
Temperature 25C/77F and humidity 90-100% for the first days. Will lower the humidity in a week or two, the poor plants need to acclimatize first.
Well, then I got everything ready and started to deflask. I will post that in next post, this is gonna be a long one😎😂 And I need a cup of coffee before I continue.
Yeah, its gonna be a lot of picture. But when I was reading I was so happy for pictures and when people explained what they did. Could never be enough pictures and reading, so I will not apologize for all the pics😜 If you think I'm talking too much- move on to the next thread😎