Yeah, it might have been possible to save it, if you used different product- I have nothing but water (and fertilizer) to use. Nothing for fungus, nothing for bacteria.
The problem is that even though the roots made the plant strong enough to make a new leaf- a tiny one- it was hard for that leaf to grow. The reason for that was- it cant dry out, then its dead- so have to have some humidity. Well, the leaves left on the plant- bad ones, they started to stay moist and molded if it was too humid. I couldnt keep the "stem-zone" in a perfect environment while waiting for the leaf to grow.
Same issue with some bulbos- the damaged parts are so close to the good parts- tried to cut them, but some places it just is hard to make tiny new ones survive.
The ones I cut the damaged leaf are doing fine though- the acineta is growing new leaf. I assume that is because the damaged part just dried out, and didnt get all soft and wet. They can handle damage, but it depends on what kind of damage. And in the case of wet and discolored it might have helped with some fungustreatment.
The didieri though- that looked kinda fine- some brown roots, but I believe that is because of the agar. Not sure though- as one had green root in agar, and is the one doing best. Anyway- that didnt like the perlite, not sure why. The acineta and the phal likes the perlite (the acineta cant stay that way forever though, it grows spike down and not up when its adult).
But: the one thing I find the most interesting is the perlite vs my seedlingmix. I decided to use half with perlite s/h because its clean. I was thinking that would make the chances for mold and stuff less. Actually the seedlingmix have been great. Have had minimal mold in that. And it has been easy keeping it moist, but not wet. I have always been afraid of moss, but let me tell you something: the moss I got from the vendor is not like the moss we can buy here. Its both spaghnum, but the quality is different. This moss I got with the plants are lovely- it does what its supposed to, help the perfect balance of moist in the mix.
The moss we have here is just soggy and looks like shit😜
They dont need much water either, I have misted the mix once every day, and my bench have not been wet 😉 If its wet, then its too moist😜
(About 5 ml I guess, one day I used the thing I measure nutrition for my other plants with, and that was about 5ml of water to each container)
Healthy seedlings
Hybrid maybe, or an more hardy plant
Water carefully
Humidity, but not too much- I liked cups over each better than the mini greenhouse. Felt the greenhouse didnt have enough air.
Dont pamper them too much
I think its easier than what I imagined. That might sound strange, thinking I have lost some, and will lose some more. But: its easy to see what is wrong with them before they die, not like its a surprise. And then it will be easier next time😎 If you have healthy and pretty big seedlings I think you can make some survive even the first time. And its fun👍🏻
Have to wait for blooms for a very long time though, and they are seedlings for a long time, meaning there can be trouble showing before they grow. But I am a plant/root person, the flowers are just bonus, so thats okay.
The thing I like is that I believe you learn alot about orchids in general, air/water/humidity and how they react. Its not the same condition, but its about the same thing- reading your plants. The small ones is fast, so you have to read what signs they are giving you and act faster than with adult plants. Makes me believe that people who are experienced enough to read adult plants- and recover adult plants, will be able to grow seedlings. Newbies think watering phalaenopsis is hard, experienced growers mostly see what the plant needs. What seem hard, is suddenly easy when you get the hang of it.
Ps: I have seen picture from other people deflasking orchids from this vendor, and the color has been different. The green color has been more vibrant. So its not the vendor- I am very happy with them, they also have adult plants and they look really healthy.
Soo- its really really fun, and interesting and fascinating😎 If it wasnt so hard getting all the supplies I would end up with a small lab in my house, growing orchids just because its so darn fascinating😎☺️
Lord, and I must say, I really talk alot😂😜 Well, you know, not many people irl I can discuss orchids with😆
Paph in seedlingmix
Angraecum in seedling mix, tiny root from the smallest☺️ (lol, not sure if it will survive though, these seem a bit picky and hard to please😜 I'm trying though)