Another Flask Attempt
I have been looking for some of the Grammatophyllum and they do not come up very often.
Have got a speciosum and a speciosum wallisii.
Found an advanced Grammatophyllum that was a very good price mailed. The flask is Gram elegans x Gram rumphianum and it arrived today.
Left it on the kitchen bench for a couple of hours near an open window out of the sun and about 5pm the temp was still 34c or 93f and 90%+ humidity so I took the lid of a plastic flask.
Leaves were soft at 1st but 3.5 hours later and the leaves have stretched up over the top of the flask plus the leaves have hardened nicely already.
It is just the perfect time to open a flask up and the humidity will not stop now for some months.
Can see 11 large plants (16cm or 6.5") with advanced root systems but there is another 15 or so that are half the size ( 7cm to 9cm or 3" to 3.5") and I can not tell how the root systems are going on these smaller plants.
So the plan is now to let them settle in for a couple of days and then remove them from the jell and pot them into a medium that hold a bit more moisture than a straight bark mix. Then leave them in a shaded but bright area for some time and slowly bring them into 50% shade for the 1st stage.
Any comments very much appreciated. I am very new to doing this.