Sowing to Germination
As some of you know I recently went and bought some materials for sowing my own seeds. Here is a few pictures of what my adventure was like doing this.
Purchased a package of Agar Mix P668 off the internet. Added distilled water to a pan and heated it to a boil. Added the package of agar mix to the water and began to stir until it was dissolved. Once it was dissolved and cooked for the amount of time it calls for and I didn't see any more small pieced floating in the pan I began to pour the mixture into clean baby food jars. Place on the lids lightly don't screw them down. Then they go into a pressure cooker and processed for 15 minutes at 15 psi. Let the pressure release and cool down till your pressure cooker will open and screw on your caps tightly now and pull out your jars and sit them on the counter to cool. Once you remove all your jars you place foil over the lids as well as the jars.
I let them sit for 10 days making sure there was no contamination in any of the jars. After the 10 days I moved the jars to my area I will be using to sow my seeds placing them on a small table. I spray the inside of my cabinet I am going to use and wait 5 mins. Spray it again and wait another 5 mins. Once again I stray it inside and I put everything inside as I spray each item before placing it into my cabinet. Once everything is inside I spray again and begin to work inside my cabinet opening the jar one at a time after I sterilize my dry seeds. I used peroxide and a needle shaking the seeds and them placing the peroxide and the seeds into the jars. I had several different seeds I worked with and wrote the names on a piece of paper and taped the paper to the top of the glass so when I was finished with the jars I could just place them in the area I needed them to go. This way I could pull them all out one by one and know exactly what each jar was. Then I labeled each bag and placed the jars inside after spraying the jars also well as the bag inside. Then the bag was sealed shut and placed on the shelf with light on it.
I waited between 5 to 6 weeks before I seen any signs of germination in the jars. I used to much peroxide in each jar but I went by what the instructions I read to use. Finding out I could use a lot less with baby food jars.
If you look in the bottom of the jars you can see the beginning to germination process.
Last edited by Cntry; 07-03-2015 at 12:06 AM..