Looks like you have proliferation of the tissue that you applied the KeikiPro to. Common when you apply too much of the product or keep re-applying it to the same node/area. How much of the product did you apply? Did you re-apply it?
This will probably never differentiate into a plantlet/keiki but keep on going and growing just the way it is. This will sap strenght from your plant needlessly possibily causing its decline.
Best bet would be to remove the growth and try again on another node using the manufacturers recommend dosage.
Information from the manufacturer:
KeikiPro is revolutionary combination of phytohormones for activating growth of dormant orchid nodes.
direct stimulation of individual dormant nodes:
Carefully (using a toothpick or similar tool) loosen the protective bract covering the node(s) you want to treat. Apply
one drop of KeikiPro to the node(s). Wait 24 hours, resume normal care and watering of your plant.
spray applications (mixture should be used within 48 hours):
This is the preferred method of application, when not treating individual nodes.
Mix KeikiPro at a rate of 2-4 drops per ounce of water. This mixture can be applied or sprayed to any part of the plant where growth can occur, ie. inflorescences, roots, stems etc. Wait 24 hours, resume normal care and watering of your plant.
Use the following guidelines for various type of growth results.
Arial keikis:
Treat nodes when blooming is complete and new growth has started.
Basal keikis:
Treat the growth stem when in active growth.
Multiple inflorescences:
Treat growth stem when spiking begins.
Branching inflorescences:
Treat nodes while buds are present or forming.
Multiple growths: (pseudo-bulb types)
Treat (spray) back bulbs or dormant back "eyes" when a new lead is currently active.
Hope that helps you out and good luck!!