In the last 12-hrs the orientation of the pollinated flower has changed, can't confirm if this is from the axial twist of the column or from me handling the flowers. I will check again in 12 hours.
If it was sucessful, the stigma should swell to almost engulf the polinia. I do not grow cycnoches but thats what happens with all other generas I grow. Then the ovule just behind the flower will swell (may be a week, may be a month. The flower will eventually wither but stay attached to the ovule even after all other flowers take their skydiving lessons! Did you take polinia from both plants and transfer to the other, polinating both plants? I usually do because certain plants just seem to not want to set pods
Did you take polinia from both plants and transfer to the other, polinating both plants?
Well one of my plants was male, so seeds weren't an option. The flowers are degrading, a good sign I believe, but I've not seen swelling. As this is cycnoches "rest" season should I continue to not water or fertilize?
I don't grow these , but best guess would be to leave it as it would be in nature. If it's in rest, leave it in rest till it starts a new growth or new root growth. Not 100% on that due to my lack of experience with this subfamily of orchids. A 2nd opinion would definitely help....
It's always a little discouraging when a cross doesn't pan out. Try it again next time they bloom cause there may still be a chance that they will take. Also the plant that had the male flowers may have been the acceptable pod candidate but only produced male counterparts this year. I heard that a change in temp or something is what causes the flower to be male or female. Like I said I don't grow them so my knowledge is very limited to Cyc.
I'm still clinging to hope, I have one flower left that appears to show some signs of success. The stamen has swollen a little and it has not withered as the other flowers have. Waiting to see if we get an significant "swell" or not.
The one remaining flower is still on the spike? Does this mean it worked? The overall shape of the flower didn't change too significant, but the stamen looks plump (compared to the rest of the petals. But now, the spike is dying from the plant up! What do I do?
Aww..... Awww...... AWhhwhhhwhwww...
The cross may have worked and seeds may have slightly developed but it looks as though the plant its self has given up on the cross... Sometimes this is due to culture, sometimes just simply cause the plant does not want to go through the long process of bearing seeds this year.