Hello! I'm Giuseppe, I'm from Italy

I've got registered to this forum time ago, but I don't hang out a lot.
Now I'm returned, because I want to show you the "story" of my sowings, just beginned!
In April 2014 I decide to pollinate a flower of a white hybrid Phalaenopsis.
The flower first wilted, than it started to grew up a fruit (is there a technical name to definite orchids fruit in english?), and in the next months the fruit continued growing
this was it in September 2014
But after a few time, I realized that... it wasn't growing anymore!
In fact, this was it in December, it was like the same
in the last 3 months it also don't grow, so I was a bit worried, but on 26 March, the fruit suddently turned yellow and opened it self!
So in the last day I've took all the indispensable for the sowing, and I follow the "recipe" founded on a italian forum to preparing the nourishing substratum:
water, agar, sugar, fertilizer and active carbon.
Two days ago I prepared it, I poured it in the glass can and I sterilised it.
So yesterday, after almost a year from pollinating, I seminated my phalaenopsis seeds!
But because the fruit opened it self, it will probably got contaminated, so after sowing I sterilised the seeds putting a bleach tampon under the can's lid for 3 hours (method tried out on an italian forum), than I removed the tampon and close the can definitively. (It's the method explained here by Roby
http://www.orchidboard.com/community...seedlings.html but he explained this method also in a italian forum

Now, I only have to wait

I'll soon post some picture

But I haven't finished yet! In March I've pollinated another hybrid Phalaenopsis and a Dendrobium lindley, and I will soon pollinate a P. equestris and other hybrid!
I will soon update!

Thanks for reading!