Update on the seedlings... The same day I unflasked the Dendrophylax Lindenii, I also deflasked some Dendrophylax Fawcettii and some Paraphalaenopsis Denevei. Here is the set up I have for the bigger ghostie seedlings. 2" Net baskets hanging high inside a container with live sphagnum moss growing on the bottom. As you can see, I can see new root growth on several of the Lindenii's but not so much the Fawcettii. At least they look good and not dying.
Second set of pics in white rectangular basket is how I set up the rest of the Lindenii seedlings. Was fighting some fungal attack on the bigger clumps. They kept getting hairy. I've isolated the affected ones for now.

These are the ones that are starting to settle in and starting to grow some baby roots.