It's my saved white phalaenopsis Shorten the spike that didn't put new grow?
It's my saved white phalaenopsis should I Shorten the spikes that didn't put new grow? cause I am starting to get yellowing leave it's root have been cut from 15 to 9 cm because of rot and it was repotted by me now should I cut the other spikes so it will focus energy on rooting(To cut all the way down till the first eye)?
It's yellowing leave also look and feel dehydrated so I make sure to spray water on top of the bark because he has shorter roots now but other leave are fine he is not dying right?! I mean I took him and cared from him from scratch and he been showing only good sings and growing leaves and blooming spike till know so the yellowing leaves are normal he's just trying to refresh the leaves?(trade them for the new ones?)
And thank you for your supporting