I was given a couple of very small seed samples of Australian Corybas/Corysanthes (specie names elude me at the moment). To have the best chance flasking and germinating these does anyone have any recommendations as far as seed sterilization, media, Light or dark, etc.
I have Malmgrens modified, T839 (with banana and coconut water), T839 (with .001mg Kinetin), BM1, Western W3, medi types made up and ready to try!
WOW! i dont have any advice for you but i have been trying to locate a corybas for a loong time! these are super hard to find for sale it seems!
There is a seller now on Ebay "Bayviewjew" who is offering 2 different Corybas tubers. I bought one from him last fall and it seems to be doing ok. I just don't have the extra funds to purchase others at this time
I've never had the need to grow Corybas from seed so I don't have experience flasking them. However, I usually sow Australian terrestrials by sterilising the seed for 8min sterilisation in 10% household bleach sowing on to W3, with or without 20ml/l coconut water (or both if I don't know which will work) and germinating them without light. Germinating without light is a bit of a throw back to European terrestrial techniques and may or may not be necessary for most Australian species. Once germinated seed is maintained on a 12 hour photoperiod at room temperature.
I replate on to W2.5 + 60gm banana. Other than W3, I haven't used the other media you mention so you may have to experiment with an alternative medium.