after a first attempt of a friend of mine to get a bottle for me in January (odyssey described on another thread), another friend in Switzerland gave me a bit to try on one of my plants and see the results.
I've sprayed it on some actively growing plants, and on the spikes of my Phal. Pink Panther. That was less than two weeks ago. Now, I have
(1) a Brassia producing two new leads growing (it had already 4 new ones, that were already quite big),
(2) Aerangis citrata with 3 new I-don't-know-what growing (still to tiny to say what they are) - this also conicides with the plant been moved from being mounted on clay-cylinder, where it was not doing very well, to S/H,
(3) a rootless C. percivaliana with 3 leads growing, and
(4) "something" growing on each node of both spikes in my Pahl. Pink Panther.
(5) On the hand, nothing is going on with 3 other Cattleyas I sprayed on the same day.
Maybe, it is all just casuality, but that's what I have seen so far... I will wait a bit, see what this all ends up, and spray keiki Pro on another group of plant (nothing for which I am expecting flowers soon, though)

I am not yet 100% sure whether I should try to obtain a bottle, but if the second test group have similar results and convinces me.. I'll go for it