I have thee packs of about 1,000 seeds each that I don't have any flasks or media left to flask these seeds. So if anyone would like them let me know. I paid $18 for these seeds so if someone would like to buy them that would be even cooler

... but I don't want them to go to waste so if not, that's fine too.
The seeds I have are:
Vanda denisoniana
Gastrochilus bellinus
Dendrobium lituiflorum
I know that the Vanda denisoniana seeds are viable because I have had successful germination using these seeds.
Three more little V. denisoniana protocorms:
The seeds will come in little paper packages. They can be easily opened and put into syringes for sterilization like this:
This is what it looks like when bleach/water sterilization is added to the syringe. I sterilized past seeds in a 10% bleach solution for 10 minutes and that seemed to work.
Please let me know if you're interested.