So the unthinkable has happened: My favorite phal. has succumbed to crown rot after a year-long struggle

So my question is, what is a natural way to get a phal. to produce keikis? I say "natural" because there is no way I can easily get keiki paste.
The plant still has a huge, healthy root system, at least 6 healthy turgid leaves and 2 emerging flower spikes... And then a gaping hole in the middle where the crown is supposed to be

. Should I leave the spikes on and peel the bracts (is that the right word?) back off the nodes to encourage keikis, or should I cut them off and force the plant to spend its energy on basal keikis? The spikes are still short, about 1 cm each.
Lastly, should I nurture the plant as if it is my first born child (e.g. go on as normal

) or should I stop watering and leave it in the dark to stress it into giving me keikis?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I really don't want to lose this one. Its a peloric noid, it that helps at all.