Originally Posted by hiimisis
Thank you for the pictures! They look like they are doing very well  I have a bunch of questions!
How many plants have survived through the first year compared to the number that were deflasked? How did the survival of the singly potted ones compare to the compots?
I noticed you use different types of pots - have you noticed a difference between the clay and plastic pots? I really like how nicely the square pots fit together, seems like very efficient use of space
Are there things you would do differently if you were to do this again? Or any other lessons learned?
I'm pretty inspired to try deflasking now!
I would say for me I have 95% still alive and doing well. Most of mine were originally in compost pots. I repotted them after they got larger. I did have some that I potted in small 6 pack trays when they first came out of the flask as they were the biggest of the bunch. All my large ones I started with are still alive also. I lost the weakest of the bunch. My pots I used at first was anything I could get my hands on. Clay, plastic or what ever as I was potting many orchids at the same time. Carmela's where I got my flasks from sends many orchids in their flasks. There was 5 of us that went together on this. We all ended up with over 12 to 15 of each type of orchid. I lost one complete flask and don't have answers to why they didn't make it other then they were so tiny when they sent me them. They were called Green Golf Hair Pig. I should not of taken them out of the flask till they were larger so I think It was my fault. There are two pots I really like and both are plastic. One is the tall thin Square pot and other is the larger pot that is also square. It fits perfectly into my trays.
Yes there is a few things I would do differently. I would first have everything I needed set up and ready... Like my greenhouse, pots, media, and other items I was looking for at the time. When I started I just had a shelf unit. I think I would of also purchased a greenhouse I could use all year long and not the plastic zip up kind I have. Read and learn as much as you can and try it.
I learn more by hands on and reading then just reading about it. That is do to the strokes I have had and the MS. So I had to make sure I can always get to the items I need and the orchids I have no matter if I am on a walker, a cane or in my wheel chair. So I have some hurdles others don't have to attend with. I have learned many things and love each and every minute of it.
I have killed some orchids that were not seedlings. I think because I didn't know to much about them and how to care for them correctly. My first orchid was the Phal and I killed it because I was stupid and read the directions on the packaged the orchid came in. " Just add Ice is the brand. Well you don't add ice you add water. Hard lesson learned don't believe everything it says. RESEARCH what you need to if you don't really know.
Get your supplies together you will need. Buy yourself 1 flask to start off with. "Don't go nuts like I did." purchasing more then one. Have your area ready before your flasks get to you. An most of all have fun deflasking and raising you new seedlings. Best of luck.