First Time Flasker Here--a few questions
Hello all,
I was hoping that someone could give me some advice about orchid flasking. My Masdevallia gutulatta has been growing seed capsules and the other day they began to open. When I saw that they opening I immediately removed them and set them aside in jars, because Iu was hoping to sew some of them. Is it alright to use open seed pods? or does them being open mean they will promote more contamination to the sensitive seeds? I also have a very nice seed capsule growing on my Tolumnia, 'Genting Orange' and I am very excited about that, being my first self pollination experiment, working flawlessly with my technique.
To provide some background, I am not by any means new to orchid growing, I am just new to propagating them by seed and have only just begun my experimentation with culturing techniques. I am also newer to the world of online orchid forums and connecting with all you wonderful orchid growers out there!! What a great thing I have stumbled upon!
Anyways, Does anyone have any suggestions as to where is a good place to acquire/purchase some flasking medium/agar?