Originally Posted by Masdyman
Could the second picture be a keiki forming?
Did you remove the node sheath before applying the paste?
Nodes on Phalaenopsis spikes will form either vegetative growth (keiki) or floral growth (a branch with flower buds).
If the node tissue is already differentiated so that it will become a floral branch, there is no way to change the result.
The trick is to get the paste onto the node before it is differentiated. However, there is no way to predict if an undifferentiated node will become a keiki or a floral branch.
The second picture most definitely is a floral growth. I've left it growing because I love the flowers on that plant. The other plant I snipped the spike off because the whole plant started leaning to the side, and on further inspection it was having root issues.
I did remove the node sheath before applying the paste, and I did use lower nodes (not necessarily the lowest, but not high on the spike either).
I do have another place that I applied keiki paste and I didn't take a picture of it at the time, but now I'm not really sure what it is. I'll see if I can get a picture of it and post it. It's most definitely not growing in a leaf like shape - instead its almost like a sheath, however there is nothing inside the sheath (no buds), and it appears that there are multiple "sheaths" growing over top of each other on opposing sides. It's very hard to explain, and I'm not sure I'll be able to get a good picture of it but I'll try.
One of these days I'll have myself a keiki, but I guess today is not that day