The process should be pretty similar to the phal, the long thing at the top will have an anther cap on its tip, if you remove the cap to expose the two little yellow pollen sacs and poke around on them, they should stick to your toothpick
A handy tip is get your toothpick and shove it up into the stamen of the plant - the place where you usually place the pollen - the concave dome directly behind the anther cap but further down.
If you do this first, it makes the toothpick sticky, which makes it much easier to grab the pollen.
Also, oftentimes the pollen is connected to a white sticky, elastic membrane that sticks the pollen to the area under the anther cap. In order to get the pollen off, you need to dislodge this white sticky bit, which you can usually do by pushing the toothpick in behind the pollen and rubbing the underside.
Finally to make things easier, maybe you can remove the lip from the flower. It makes it easier to see up under the anther and stamen.
Its kind of a tricky process but it shouldn't be too different from the phal, some flowers just have extra-sticky pollination sacs that refuse to come off....
... and then fall off, losing them on the floor.