nodes on phals - are the flower "scars" also nodes?
pardon me if this has already been asked or answered, but lets hope I make sense!
from what I've read other people say about nodes on a phal, I gather that they're the triangular shaped things on the flower stem.
just to be clear, are the triangular shaped "scars" left on a stem after a flower falls off of it NOT considered nodes?
mostly curious to know if this is where a new flower stem or keiki might come out of later on.
I've not sure whether the ones where the flowers have dropped are considered 'nodes' or not... however those ones have already done their thing (grown a flower) and won't grow further. Usually when talking about nodes people are talking about those which still have the potential to grow something (a side spike or keiki) rather than those which are spent.
The ladies are both right, the upper spike area where the flowers wilted will just die and the lower portion below it which is still green might come forth additional spike of blooms or a baby from a node.
but if the spike is short, I just cut it all off giving a signal to the plant to grow new roots and leaves to gather energy for the next bloom cycle.